"Kindness is a powerful quality that we each possess. When displayed, shared, and received, kindness creates peace, friendliness and community."
-Talulah, co-founder of Be Kind Napa, age 9
Be Kind Napa Valley founders (and sisters), Talulah and Ruby leading the Kindness Day Celebration in Yountville on July 29, 2017.
Be Kind
The idea for Be Kind sprouted from the mind of Finkelstein family friend Laurie Philips of New York City. Philips became aware of the self-imposed isolation of her fellow New Yorkers and how there was very little interaction happening among them. As a way to break the ice, she made the now iconic "Be Kind" buttons and would wear them while out and about in the city. Anytime someone would compliment her button, she would take it off and gift it to that person. A friendly conversation would start naturally and smiles would ensue. The buttons would then be paid forward by their new owners and are now found all over New York and the surrounding areas.
Talulah and Ruby brought this idea home and since 2017, have distributed more than 25,000 of the iconic Be Kind buttons all over the world. They have also created the Kindness Kids, a youth-led group that brings together kids throughout our community to organize acts of positivity and compassion. Among their projects, they collect warm coats for those in need, prepare food for those who are hungry, and organize birthday parties for children without homes.
The girls have spoken to school assemblies, professional groups, service groups and at large gatherings such as Napa’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebration.
Be Kind is kid-driven and kid-led. Be Kind brings people together to spread and celebrate kindness. Be Kind is not a protest or political or religious in nature. Be Kind seeks to strengthen communities through the power of kindness.
We thank our community for another successful Kindness Day Celebration!
The goal of the day was to spotlight the power of kindness to strengthen community and this year, we featured several local youth-led/youth-focused organizations that are doing positive work in our community. These include 100 Kids Who Care Napa, Alaina’s Voice Foundation, The GIGG, The Hero Foundation, Napa County Kids Care, Napa Valley Kid, Team Rescue, Teens Connect, and VOICES Napa.
Please do check them out!
A big thank you to Napa Valley Museum Yountville for offering up your venue for this wonderful day.
Enjoy this video slideshow of the 2017 Be Kind Napa celebration featuring the world premier of the song "Be Kind" written by Gordon Lustig. Gordon, along with The Smart Fellers, leads a chorus of children.
Click through the photos below to see where the buttons have spread smiles...